Working in the roofing business is a difficult job, demanding a lot of energy both physically and mentally: On one side, you have to follow safety instructions, work in all conditions and long hours and on the other, you have to be a good communicator too, to deal with clients' demands and concerns. But no one is great at everything. While you are a top class professional at your job, you may struggle with the administrative side. Which could lead your business into all sorts of trouble.
Imagine this: it's mid August and you're repairing a roof with your crew. You're holding a hammer with the other hand and trying to keep the balance on the ladder with the other. And at this time, your phone rings. Who in their right mind would answer such a call? And you let it go to voicemail. Or, maybe, you put your tools down, climb down the ladder and then answer, once you're safely on the ground. But, by that time, the call has probably gone to voicemail already.
If such a thing has ever happened to you, then you definitely need to tidy up your customer service. This is where we come in: DsPro is a top provider of flawless call center experience for small businesses. If you want your calls answered in an efficient, professional and effective manner, if you’re often busy on the job site and don't have the time to answer the calls, if you want your calls answered 24/7, even on holidays. Our team of dedicated professionals work 24/7 to answer any questions your clients may have.

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