Home Improvement Pro
Home Improvement Pro
If you work in a home improvement business, your client can stick with you through multiple projects of home renovations: starting with making a plan of the home, the budget, selecting a crew and to the last nail and layer of pain on the door. Therefore, the administrative side of your business is complicated: Especially if you're short staffed and your business is growing fast. You need to keep everything running smoothly and on schedule not only in your clients' projects, but in your company as well. This can often become a logistical nightmare: Which employee works on which team this week? Who needs what tools? Who is slacking and causing this or that project to fall behind? These and all the other questions are often on your mind. And, then there's planning the future projects and answering incoming calls.
It's common knowledge that the more investment people need to put into something, both time and money wise, the more difficulty they have making decisions. Which means that your most important clients are the most indecisive ones, that need attention: they will call multiple times a day, having lots of questions. Do you have time or the energy for this? Probably not. But what will happen if you get annoyed with them and they realize it? What will happen if you let their calls go to voicemail? thinking that you've already given them enough information and they should finally decide what color they want on their living room floors before they call you again? They will probably postpone the renovations and forget about it. Or go to your competitor.
A well organized home improvement business should have a top notch call answering support. This is where we come in. DsPro is a top provider of flawless call center experience for small businesses. Our team of dedicated professionals work 24/7 to answer any questions your clients may have.
You need our call center services if:
- You want your calls answered in efficient, professional and effective manner
- You’re often busy on the job site and don't have the time to answer the calls
- You want your calls answered 24/7, even on holidays

With DsPro, you will
Offer the best possible call center service for your business:
You can choose the service package best suited for your needs:
1) have your own office and team, that can be trained to work the way you need to, providing customers the answer, prices, questions you require.
2) Pay on per call basis, only if you get a valid call (We don't charge for spam calls!).
Have top of the field technology
What makes us unique? We pay close attention to the latest trends in the call center services industry and constantly develop and improve new software's to service our clients better!